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Mar 8, 2010
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A word from Jan:

- I saw a flyer on the wall talking about an art exhibit on campus. The theme was red. That was March 2, 2010. Submissions were due the 5th by 5pm. To me, this is quite a bit of work on a short notice, but I decided to do it. Hopefully they accept it so I had a reason to print the high resolution original file on a $45 laminated 22" x 18.5" poster.
- It's called toRed, because it's a scene from later in the comic. Much later. We just started the story. So, I will change the date on this once we hit that page so it's in reading order.
- Sorry page 2 isn't up. This and other stuff have been taking up my time. I've had most of page 2 done for over a week now. It'll probably be up next week.

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